This here is a trailer for the upcoming documentary movie that follows the development story of the Ford F-150 SVT Raptor, including the version that played in the Baja 1000 off-road race in modified...
Arden wins German Auto Bild 4×4 Award
Readers of the German-based Auto Bild magazine chose Arden for the 2009 Auto Bild 4×4 Tuning Award. Arden Automobilbau GmbH got the highest number of votes for the regional award. ...
2010 Audi Q7 gets minor facelift
The Audi Q7 has received a barely noticeable facelift for the 2010 model year. The changes are so pointless that even the existing engines are being carried over. ...
Gemballa Tornado 750 GTS redoes Porsche Cayenne
To stand out from the crowd, a Porsche Cayenne is not enough any more. The ultimate customization would have to be the unique Gemballa Tornado 750 GTS. ...